The Night of Her Funeral

Jen Siraganian

After bowls of kufta, platters of dolma,the clatter of pistachio shells and auntsand uncles simmering over with grief,we sought the basement’s refuge.We were chins and limbs and kneescriss-crossed applesauce on leather couches,across rust carpet, a dozen cousins in wrinkled,nearly new suits and navy blue dresses.Forgotten for a few hours, a VHS of Fatal Attractiondiscovered. I tried to forget my grandfather’s howlin the church’s incense fog, an animal sound I thoughtwas laughter so I laughed, but he wasn’t laughing, no one was.It was my first funeral, and now I was watchingelevator sex and rabbits in saucepans and Glenn Closewho reminded me of my mother until she squeezedher bloody wrists against the good father’s cheeks.I held my pee until it burned inside me, beggedmy older cousin to accompany me to the toilet.She giggled, embarrassed, wouldn’t come in,only stood by the door to keep watching the screen.I could still see Glenn Close’s blonde permspring from the bathtub, from behind my mirror’sreflection, blood and butcher knives and handsaround women’s throats hidden everywhere.I wandered upstairs where the adults galaxiedaround our grandfather, a captivated audienceof another film, except the film was him. I slunkpast knees and porcelain cups of Armenian coffee.His words were relics gathered by the menwith thick palms, by women with scarlet fingernails.My mother leaned toward my aunt who translatedeach story shard into English. I rested my ear on her lap.He spoke, for the first time, of his childhood,his father shot with the other men, the marchesto nowhere, his grandmother, mother,discarded like husks along the road.

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Jen Siraganian is an Armenian-American writer, educator, and former Poet Laureate of Los Gatos, California. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in AGNI, Barrow Street, Best New Poets, Cortland Review, Prairie Schooner, The Rumpus, Smartish Pace, and other journals. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and won the 2024 New Ohio Review Poetry Prize. A former managing director of Litquake: San Francisco’s Literary Festival, she has taught in schools and community settings for twenty years and is a current Lucas Artist Fellow.


St. Paul, Minnesota

Executive + Artistic Director
Lana Barkawi

Editorial Assistant
Sarah Dillard

Mizna is a critical platform for contemporary literature, art, film, and cultural programming centering the work of Arab and Southwest Asian and North African artists. For twenty years, we have sought to reflect the depth and multiplicity of our community and have been committed to being a space for Arab, Muslim, and other artists from the region to reclaim our narratives and engage audiences in meaningful and artistically excellent art.

We publish Mizna: Prose, Poetry and Art Exploring Arab America, the only Arab American lit and art journal in the country; produce the Twin Cities Arab Film Festival, the largest and longest running Arab film fest in the Midwest; and offer classes, readings, performances, public art, and community events, having featured over 400 local and global writers, filmmakers, and artists.

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