
Jena Osman
the flow of dark money through the pipes of the party sounded like shells in a jar like bees in a hive
from the book A Very Large Array / DABA

In our series Language as Form, we’ve invited poets to write about poetic language as patterned language—how words as sound, voice, sentence, and song become elements of form.

Philip Metres on "Qasida for Abdel Wahab Yousif"
Photo: Philip Metres
Philip Metres
Ya Abdel, I dreamt of you last night, holding the sea in your arms like a lover, you kissing its wet mouth, you at last at rest in its endless bed
Joan Houlihan
See my wig? Woven over time, like my attachment to you.
Cody-Rose Clevidence
Eden of the shore, vasectomy of the heavens, ambiguity of prayer.
Bianca Alyssa Pérez
A magnificent halo of ruby blooms— small glistening gems of blood.
A.B. Spellman
between the voice & the word is the thought between the thought & the voice is the self

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