Paradise Lost

I start with sorrow, Then feign joy In the rhythm method
Rowan Ricardo Phillips
from the book Silver / Farrar, Straus and Giroux

In our series Drafts, we invite poets to explore strategies for writing and rewriting the poem, its many lives, before (and even after) it is published.

Rowan Ricardo Phillips on "Paradise Lost"
Photo: Rowan Ricardo Phillips
Caitlin Roach
I never wanted the hand, the inheritance it held, but had not a body to refuse it.
Hussain Ahmed
On the sky is a diary that catalogued the bodies lost to the sea.
Kim Addonizio
Would you like to trade some molecules with me?
Walter Ancarrow
at the Mosque of the Booksellers, scholars publish works by burning them on windy days
Bret Shepard
Some caribou take place with late hunger. If death is the mind out of season, you hunt the sound of what it was

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