Hearing Loss

Noah Baldino

A person with mid-frequency hearing loss has difficulty hearing mid-frequency sounds but can still hear high- or low-frequency sounds.The human voice is a mid-frequency sound.

I’ve been pollinated by silence since              I was a child, dawdling,                                                                               insulated, uninterrupted, save a perched sparrow’s whistle,                or the thrashing ofa lemon in the garbage disposal.                                     The doctor said the human voice.                        Light rain. Unwrappinga gift, the sound of the paper tearing. Each night, bees wring patientdrops of honey into my ears.                                                              Someday soon, I’ll no longer hear anything but that sweetness—

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Noah Baldino has poems and reviews that can be found or found soon in Poetry, Black Warrior Review, Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. They currently live and teach in Indiana.

Indiana Review

Winter 2018 Volume 40 Number 2

Bloomington, Indiana

Indiana University

Mariah Gese

Associate Editor
Alberto Sveum

Poetry Editor
Soleil David

Founded in 1976, Indiana Review is a non-profit literary magazine dedicated to showcasing the talents of emerging and established writers. Our mission is to offer the highest quality writing within a wide aesthetic.

As a biannual literary review, IR considers previously unpublished essays, fiction, graphic arts, interviews, poetry, and reviews. IR is edited and managed by Indiana University graduate students and funded mainly by subscriptions, grants, and partial university support.

Works by contributors to IR have been awarded the Pushcart Prize and reprinted in The Pushcart Prize Anthology: Best of the Small Presses, as well as in the O. Henry Awards, Best American Short Stories, Best American Poetry, and Best New American Voices. Additionally, we are recognized as one of the top 15 most challenging fiction markets by Duotrope.

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