
Jerzy Ficowski
Translated from the Polish by Jennifer Grotz & Piotr Sommer

o water that takes your ownshapewhen you are very smallo single-celledyour name is a dropyou persist from high to lownot knowing a vesselo closed-within-yourselfyou perish when you openand you’ll give birth to the seaand be greetedby salt and dolphin and columbusand by susanna wallowingher hair in rainwatero droplet with nothingto differ you from droplethollower of stone

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Jerzy Ficwoski
Lidia Ostałowska

Jerzy Ficowski (1924-2006) was a poet, songwriter, and scholar on the Polish Roma population, as well as of the writer-artist Bruno Schulz. Recent translations of Ficowski’s poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Poetry, Nation, New York Review of Books, and Ploughshares.

Jennifer Grotz’s most recent book of poems is Window Left Open (Graywolf Press, 2016). She is the director of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.

Piotr Sommer is the author of Continued (Wesleyan University Press, 2005) and Overdoing It (Hobart and William Smith Colleges Press, 2013). His collected poems, Po Ciemku Też(Also in the Dark) appeared in Poland in 2013.

Jan/Feb 2019

Gambier, Ohio

Kenyon College

The David F. Banks Editor
Nicole Terez Dutton

Managing Editor
Abigail Wadsworth Serfass

Associate Editor
Sergei Lobanov-Rostovsky

Poetry Editor
David Baker

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