Night Habit

Alicia Wright

I have a night habit, darkly moving in air,Not mattering—a veil of incident light.Mother-of-pearl field luster, I park insideA streak of hill cane, where an opening foldsMe in by the perennial stream. I have my nighthabit, see, I am moving in the dark air, noMatter, no light to veil. I am incident in theField, a perennial opening folds me in. NightPark, lust for pearl. In the front pasture daisiesDiffuse, strands of lucent vapor. I walk overThe hill, a streak of dark. In the field, perennialMother in the hollow, I come for my habit—Air veil, enfold me where I matter, the openingDark, the want in me lustering. Over daisies I pearlA stream of incidents, me stranded with night,Made hollow by opening, field matter, stranger.

The Cloud of Unknowing, Chapter 23:  God will answer and provide in
spirit for those who, out of devotion to his love, choose not to answer for
themselves or make provisions for themselves.

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Alicia Wright is originally from Georgia. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Ecotone, The Literary Review, Southern Humanities Review, and Flag + Void, among others. She is a recipient of the 2016 Indiana Review Poetry Prize and fellowships from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. At present, she is a PhD candidate in creative writing at the University of Denver.

Poetry Northwest

Winter & Spring 2018

Everett, Washington

Keetje Kuipers

Managing Editor
Constance Hansen

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Emily Pittinos
Serena Solin
Jay Aquinas Thompson

Our mission remains what it has been for more than five decades. In the words of founding editor Carolyn Kizer, “We shall continue to encourage the young and the inexperienced, the neglected mature, and the rough major talents and the fragile minor ones.” We remain as committed as we were in 1959 to publishing the best poetry we can find, and to expanding the role and scope of poetry in ways both public and private, innovative and traditional, as an art and as a clear and necessary dialogue in a world overrun with noise.

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