Thank You Terror

Mathias Svalina

We thank the world by living. We pray in rust & suture in pistil & pine. This ruined world my only prayer: if I can’t love it for me I will love it for you.

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Dean Davis

Mathias Svalina is the author of eight books, most recently Thank You Terror (Big Lucks Books, 2024). Since 2014 he has run a dream delivery service:

Cover of Thank You Terror by Mathias Svalina

Washington DC, District of Columbia

"Ten years after the publication of Wastoid, Mathias Svalina returns to Big Lucks Books. In his eighth full-length title, Svalina tackles loss, grief, depression, and survival with a tenderness so apt that it demands its reader to look inward: at their relationship with love, with sadness, with friendship, and with themselves. As courageous as it is confessional, Thank You Terror holds the world close and encourages it to listen."

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