The Noctambulists (excerpt)

Clayton Adam Clark

V.The problem with the underworldis that I didn’t know how many daysI was dead or that I even was,which are not unrelated. Orpheusat least knew where he was going.Well past the somatic and metabolic deaths,E’s only hope for resurrectionwas O’s refusal of her social end.Whose hope? What a trip to see her there,playing chess with your grandmother,and suspect you aren’t asleepbut maybe were. You’ll want tobeat the daylights out of the manholding her under. That feeling’s olderthan your blood. But O understood:best to forget the whys and hows.Even the whats. To surface her, youtrain your eyes on light that shimmersoverhead. Then kick like hell.

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Clayton Adam Clark lives in St. Louis, his hometown, where he works as a public health researcher and also volunteers as a board member for River Styx magazine.His first full-length poetry collection, A Finitude of Skin, will be published by Moon City Press in 2018. He earned an MFA in poetry at Ohio State University and is currently studying to become a clinical mental health counselor.

Mid-American Review

Volume XXXVIII, Number 2

Bowling Green, Ohio

Bowling Green State University

Abigail Cloud

Managing Editor
Julie Webb

Poetry Editor
Abigail Cloud

The people of Mid-American Review seek to publish works of fine literary art from a diverse body of artists. We are on the lookout for work that has the power to move and astonish us while displaying the highest level of craft.

We dedicate ourselves to encouraging, nurturing, teaching, and learning from the writers we meet through careful consideration of their work and meaningful dialogue. The writers in each issue shall include both well established poets and authors and brand new voices.

Because the acts of writing and reading force people to slow down and examine the world and their part in it, MAR is in a position to foster peace and understanding and to make a positive difference, and we fully embrace the challenge of making the world a better place through literature. We are dedicated to finding new audiences for contemporary writing and to building the audience for our journal, while also providing an outlet for fun and personal growth among staff members.

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