5:30 a. m.’s :: moon is a bitten lozenge :: the eucalyptus
trickle aching the toothy :: nubs of uncrowned stars—
drilled clean down and plain :: without novocaine or gas :: wind’s rhythmic bellows
swelling out from night’s hoarse throat :: sparking fever’s weird blue flame
october snow makes :: the day outside look like :: a kellog’s frosted flake
shush of tires / headlights’ flare / snow— :: hushed birds’ jingly murmuring
wake to find the wind :: blowing off-key with your sky :: sun melting down through
thick stacks of pancake-y clouds :: like a hot pat of butter
yesterday’s snow sleeps :: late this morning in quiet :: white sheets / while rickety
trees comb out fog’s heavy shanks :: of tangled, unruly hair
the loss of bright wings :: birdsong / the sound of night trains :: stretched between the bluffs
like pulled taffy / makes you feel :: a bit wistful / out of sorts
as gusted leaves buzz :: and whorl over snow-sugared :: roofs / but oh! this blown
fluttering’s not a swirling :: of leaves, but winter sparrows
ugh! snotted hoody :: pinkened tinge faint litmus stain :: (yes or no / minus
or plus) watercoloring :: blown-through tissues / torn storm blooms
bare honeysuckle :: bristling with squeaking sparrows :: occasional burst
of quarrelsome confetti :: like mushroom clouds of winged spores
the day gets woolly : : dollops of snow-gritted fog : : machine-spun sugar
carnival flossed / vortexing :: the thin cardboard sticks of trees
wet-dark tree beaded :: in pearled bits of wintry mix :: excited finch swoops
in manic parabolas :: to sip from the leaky eaves’
icicle / inside :: the riveted cat clanging :: the old windowpane
with the pealing tongue of her :: tail / sound of a sealed-shut bell
fleck-stung peppering :: thunderfrost / ice lightning :: a thick dangerous
glaze of frozen rain / sugar- :: stuck and snow-coning / becomes
a sticky windswirl :: spiraling in fog’s clotted :: milk / a stirring of
espresso-quick birds / matchstick- :: bright heads / scratchsulfur / panic-
flare / adrenaline’s :: low-grade slow blue flame / brillo :: pad clouds swollen with
more snow’s withheld scour / no one :: isn’t a sulky pansy
a winter count: :: boxes of kleenex – 4 / zicam :: spritzes – 64
echinacea tea – ran out :: icy hot patches – ran out
iced branches cased in :: glass / Murano somerso :: freeze-framed see-through beads
clicking like weird necklaces :: overstimmed birds’ weird shoutings
grackles pose and chuff :: in the sleet-stung glaze / songbirds’ :: quizzical whistling
there’s a sudden bunny in :: the alley / kicking up snow
it’s april 18 :: 31 degrees / the noon :: thick with wind and snow
and fog / chastened grackles hunch :: silent in the trees / whiten
a solipsism :: sudden as a dumped-out waste- :: basket of soggy
cottonballs / fat swarm of snow :: spilling down / tricky fizz and
glitter stubbed out on :: the tongue / silver thread of wren :: song needling the
mummy trees / silver stitch of :: chit and finch and chickadee
if you could, you would :: spend the whole day watching snow :: kiss the river’s up-
turned face / but even after :: the snow melts / it still courses
through the river’s veins :: and arteries / informing :: the chilled jade discourse
of all of the river’s thoughts :: all of the river’s dreaming