Where/Did You Sleep Last Night

Brody Parrish Craig

is joy the cattail edgefar past the hollerthe birdsong brushalong the mouthbetweenusvalleys hillside rollingeyeswhat throatcould overlookthe treesseedlingscould sproutalong the hollers gaptongues whistled thruthe futuregrasses not unraveled therethe dirt mound rockingwhat skulls leftremainshereinto tapthe stifledlittle root& touchthe baseof limblinesoulwhat pinesthis mossacross the balded fieldI soaras eagleangeljust above usringstopsoilto bottomed wormto catchwhat my mouth cupsalong the bywaytrail sounds lurewhat none thought edible:see-through,the forest comes.moist eyes running backall mossing toward the sun.

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Brody Parrish Craig is the author of The Patient is an Unreliable Historian & award-winning chapbook Boyish, both from Omnidawn Publishing. They edited TWANG, a regional anthology of TGNC+ creators of the south/midwest, and currently teach at NorthWest Arkansas Community College. Find more on their work at brodyparrishcraig.com.

Cover of the patient is an unreliable historian

“In the darkly challenging poetry book, The Patient Is an Unreliable Historian, Craig pulls back the curtain on the lived experience of psychiatric patients, offering heartbreaking insight into mental health treatment models, demanding that we make change.... It’s also one of the most beautiful and captivating collections of poetry about mental illness by a contemporary author.”
—New York Journal of Books

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