Eyes are difficult because they’re teeth;
Sometimes rich and gleaming, gliding through a gilded feast,
Wrapped in violent red velvet, and luxurious dead ends;
(But I love the) murky, melancholic, playing matted music, looking over barren fields—
Fields are difficult because they’re hands
Knots and rivers laying over eyes.
Blue smell of rain and dirt—veins smell like the skies split open, like the road behind slipping into the past.
Fingertips smell like a promise—
Ten thousand graves sigh at once;
A bruise is a promised haunting.
“Come, just this once,” I ask, disingenuously. I mean “a thousand times.”
Bruises disappear into the past and a promise draws near.
An open grave plays the memory of rain when handled gently. The earth smells like fingertips on eyelids—a homeland rough and transient.
Heathens love the rain like I love the shadow of your eyelashes over freckles and undiscovered celestial bodies.
The sky splits open and veins cascade down nostalgically.
The road behind disappears into bruised earth, into ten thousand graves. I come to you, bringing a memory of rain.
What Keeps Us
Poems to Read in Community
Inspired by C. D. Wright’s poem “What Keeps,” we offer Sofija Popovska’s “Country Song (Memory of Rain),” translated from the Macedonian by Sofija Popovska, as part of a twenty-poem selection from poems we’ve featured in 2024—poems, like bread, that one might pass across the table—to a loved one, or to oneself.
Read editor Lloyd Wallace’s introduction to the collection and statements from our staff readers here. Read poems by selecting below.
Throwback Night, Midway Skating Rink
The sun dipped already, but we sweating, edges ribboned under
summer’s breath.
My Father Walks Out of an English Book and Into an English Field
It was not long after the war—
and just saying after the war places him
Half-Life in Exile
I’m forever living between Aprils.
The air here smells of jacarandas and lime;
Country Song (Memory of Rain)
A bruise is a promised haunting.
“Come, just this once,” I ask, disingenuously. I mean “a thousand times.”
At the Gellert Baths, Budapest
Here in the body museum,
women speaking Hungarian
rinse one another with buckets of water,
As Though It Were a Small Child
I wake up these days, a new mother again, watching,
waiting, to understand what to offer, how to serve, by which I